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January 12, 2022
Smart Guns - Have "We The People" Gone Insane?

A short op-ed:
I just posted a video on YT about smart guns. Supposedly 2 dif companies have them ready to go right now. This is some crazy scary stuff in my opinion. Go watch that video, and let us know what you think?

I used to think some of this stuff was conspiracy. Now, you can bet on it.

I couldn't say this on YT, but think about the proposed vax chips they want in all of our hands. Think of how they could disable these guns with a smart chip in your hand.

I will not take a chip, I will not give up my regular guns. And I will not jab.

15 days to slow the spread...... Now more virus and control than ever before!

Some are fed up, some people want more gov't control. These people always want more and more control. People are getting sick. Mental health. That is important too. I think the goal lately is to get everyone as depressed and pissed off as possible. It many cases it is working.

I use these words to comfort me :
In Congress, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

If people don't draw their lines now, where will all of this lead?

Let me know if you have thoughts on this.

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May 29, 2024
My PSA Order Today & A Couple Crazy Good Deals Livestream

I had to make a couple edits to the stream last night. Here is the replay.
My PSA Order
10 qty 7.62x39 Tulammo https://alnk.to/dAmxFEl $9.99 /20
3 qty 7.62x39 AAC Black Tip https://alnk.to/eDR5yyD $10.99 /20
4 qty Norma 9mm HP https://alnk.to/8tOze0Q $6.99 /20
3 qty Dagger Case / Range Bag https://alnk.to/6IEZpRi $19.99
Other Hot Deals!
Incredible Deal! - Vortex 1-8x24 LPVO Deal
https://alnk.to/hDpXUBt $619 Save $369 with code STRIKE = $249
This is an incredible deal with included mount. You will not see this price often!
Amazon currently has this exact optic on sale for $369 with no mount included.
Chinese Tokarev Type 54 Military Surplus Pistol https://alnk.to/hDpVys5 $399
Monstrum Optics Deals
1x20 Micro Prism Scope https://alnk.to/58q9JZc $49.99
2X Magnifier https://alnk.to/2FBy0B2 $89.99
3x24 Prism Scope https://alnk.to/9IdRffE $119
1000 Lumen pen light Half Off https://alnk.to/dex0U6s $34.99
LPVO 4-16x50 https://alnk.to/4qL7OR5 $119
Lifetime warranty on Monstrum products.

April 10, 2024
On Its Way - PSA Micro Dagger 9mm

https://alnk.to/fHllIbK $339
I enjoyed shooting this pistol so much 2 weeks ago, that I knew I needed one. I have one on the way.

Using this link for any purchase at PSA helps the channel = more content & perks. Thank you!
2A Link Club - My way of giving back. If you use one of my links for a purchase, fill out and submit this form for a chance to get perks https://bit.ly/3GY8z95

March 28, 2024
First Shots PSA Micro Dagger 9mm Pistol

Black Micro https://alnk.to/1C6EIIi $339
Sniper green slide Micro https://alnk.to/4MAinsn $339
Gray slide Micro https://alnk.to/8iTrZMy $339
FDE slide Micro https://alnk.to/e76smJQ $339
Compensated slide Micro https://alnk.to/7Beq4tH $359
Black Micro with Holosun optic https://alnk.to/clWSyw9 $499
FDE Micro with Holosun optic https://alnk.to/4BFxoFU

Using these links for any purchase at PSA helps the channel = more content & perks. Thank you!
2A Link Club - My way of giving back. If you use one of my links for a purchase, fill out and submit this form for a chance to get perks https://bit.ly/3GY8z95

August 19, 2022
9mm Ammo & Pistols - 2a Edu Podcast Episode 5

DRZ 9mm https://alnk.to/3TX1b0P $269 / 1000 - A-Zone Rewards members save an additional $10 with coupon code. DRZ10 Which brings it down to $13 per box with free shipping for members.
I have some of this ammo and it has been good for me. Typical Turkish 9mm.
ZSR 9mm https://alnk.to/2jIcqpe $15.49 /50 or https://alnk.to/8EFtJNh $290 /1000
SAR USA 9mm NATO 124gr https://alnk.to/9mkvF01 $15.95 /50 0r https://alnk.to/eOI04iQ $289 /1000
Turan 9mm https://alnk.to/9xfg8qW $13.89 /50 or https://alnk.to/3chZkyv $277 /1000

Free shipping with A-Zone Rewards - Use code 2aedu20 to save $20 off a 1 year membership. I bought a membership, and have already received about $632 worth of shipping & other perks! for $79 (And I'm 9 months into my yearly membership) https://alnk.to/dpns9he

From PSA: PMC Bronze 115gr HP https://alnk.to/9mkvydG $21.99 /50

Using these links for any purchase at True Shot or PSA helps the channel = more content. Thank you!

9mm Ammo & Pistols - 2a Edu Podcast Episode 5
August 02, 2022
Pistol Caliber Carbines - 2a Edu Podcast Episode 4

Using these links for any purchase from these sites helps the channel = more content. Thank you! For example if you click on my PSA link for the ARV and you buy one, I get a credit. Or if you click on the ARV link don't buy one, but buy something else at PSA without closing that window (browsing session), I still get credit for that item(s) Same applies to any of my links for each site.

Some of the guns in this podcast:
PSA ARV 9mm: https://alnk.to/4qHffRU
Cz Scorpion Evo 3 S1 9mm at PSA: https://alnk.to/1MXSxwk
Pro2A Tactical .45 ACP Ar-15: https://alnk.to/g37fBpC
The Valiant Side charging version: https://alnk.to/aeUfev5
Save 15% or get a free shotgun with any Patriot or Valiant purchase
WASR M 9mm AK at PSA: https://alnk.to/eZCI6Jv
PAK-9 9mm AK at Grabagun: https://alnk.to/90uWL0R
Hi-Point 995 Carbines at PSA: https://alnk.to/6IB60nt
Swampfox Kingslayer at Brownells: https://alnk.to/goWLXiV

Pistol Caliber Carbines - 2a Edu Podcast Episode 4
July 27, 2022
Self Defense Vs Rampage Shooter Defense - 2a Edu Podcast Episode 3

We discuss the idea of self defense vs engaging a rampage shooter. Also mindset, training and different tools.

You can help support this content by using these links when doing your normal shopping: https://2aedu.locals.com/post/1333170/ways-you-can-support-for-free
My Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/shop/2aedu
I earn a small percentage from you using this link for any purchase at Amazon and it goes into my channels.

Self Defense Vs Rampage Shooter Defense - 2a Edu Podcast Episode 3
Live Chat
November 22, 2021
Ways You Can Support For free

You can help support the channel with these affiliate links (Click on my link before you make a purchase):
2A Link Club - My way of giving back. If you use one of my links for a purchase, fill out and submit this form for a chance to get perks https://bit.ly/3GY8z95
No purchase necessary. Everyone can fill out the form once a month for an entry without purchase.

Palmetto State Armory: https://alnk.to/aLD7XXB
True Shot Gun Club: https://alnk.to/3cg8obr
Bear Creek Arsenal: https://alnk.to/6bT5DBf
GrabAGun: https://alnk.to/cwNluoM
Optics Planet: https://alnk.to/ge2BrEo Use Code: 2aedu5 to save 5%
Global Ordnance: https://alnk.to/6mM3lfa Mantis: https://alnk.to/goVjmFv
Gun Mag Warehouse: https://alnk.to/8EDCNvD
Brownells: https://alnk.to/bEcvtkP
Powertac Flashlights: https://www.powertac.com/2aedu15 Use code 2aedu15 to save15%
Pro2A Tactical: https://alnk.to/dAhgcqu
Right To Bear Insurance: https://alnk.to/3cgUEv7 Use code 2aedu to save 10%
**JM4 Tactical ...

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July 24, 2024
The Lost State Of Transylvania Colt 1911


Using this link for any purchase at SK Guns helps the channel = more content & perks. Thank you!
2A Link Club - My way of giving back. If you use one of my links for a purchase, fill out and submit this form for a chance to get perks https://bit.ly/3GY8z95

22 hours ago
7.62x39 Ammo Deal

https://alnk.to/aLIL6GC $9.49 /20

Using this link for any purchase at Buds helps the channel = more content & perks. Thank you!
2A Link Club - My way of giving back. If you use one of my links for a purchase, fill out and submit this form for a chance to get perks https://bit.ly/3GY8z95

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