Here are some laws being introduced in PA.
10. Mandatory Safe Storage Law
Democrat “lawmakers” Steve Santarsiero, Perry Warren and Darisha Parker want to force you and me and every gun owner in Pennsylvania to separate our guns from our ammo and lock them away in separate parts of our homes. If you don’t, they want to take your kids away from.
In other words, they want you and me to be sitting ducks for the criminals they have empowered to roam the streets, the same ones that disobey every law we already have on the books.
9. One Handgun a Month
Democrat Representative Mike Zabel thinks that by prohibiting lawful citizens from buying more than one handgun a month that the violent thugs in Philly will all of a sudden stop killing innocent people. But dumb ole’ Mikey doesn’t wanna admit that criminals don’t obey laws or that they get their guns illegally anyway.
He even says in his co-sponsor memo, “In addition, it would create a pathway for citizens to earn advance permission to purchase more than one gun during the 30-day period.” Forget you, Mikey. Our right to keep and bear arms shall not be questioned.
8. Ban ‘Ghost Gun’ Parts
Little Mikey also wants to ban you and me from purchasing and owning of parts that can be used to make unserialized firearms – decidedly NOT American.
What dumb lil’ Mikey doesn’t know is that some of us can walk into a Home Depot and walk out with everything we need to be successful at building freedom tools. But under this Zabel bill, he wants to make it a crime to buy any gun part at all that doesn’t have a serial number, and only tyrants support bills like that.
7. Ban 3D Printed Firearms
Can you think of anything more American than making/printing your own firearms? We love it when our printers go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr….
Leftist agitator/Democrat Representative Melissa Shusterman and Senators Vincent Hughes and Wayne Fontana want to BAN beautiful toys like FGC 9’s and all homemade 3D printed firearms because they hate the thought of an armed populace.
But that begs the question: what do they want to do to us that requires us to be disarmed?
6. Ammo Bans, Taxes and Serial Numbers – Oh My!
More than a dozen House Democrats have put their names behind legislation to BAN the sale of ammo unless you can show ID. Of course, these are the same Lefty nutjobs who viciously attack voter ID proposals.
Refuse to ID yourself like a sex-offender? No ammo for you.
But they don’t stop there. Reps Stephen Kinsey and Manuel Guzman, Jr. are introducing legislation that would force all ammo to be serialized, and then throws a five cent per round tax on all ammunition sold in the Commonwealth.
Apparently these cultural Marxists never read about the Stamp Act…
5. Local Regulation of Firearms
The gun-grabbers in Harrisburg for years have wanted to DESTROY our statewide firearm preemption law entirely and create a system where every city, borough, county and township can pass their own gun laws, creating a nightmare patchwork of laws for gun owners that nobody will be able to fully understand.
Their dystopia would have you feeling like a free American in one county, and a felon in the next.
And there are several versions of the bill in both chambers, including one that ban firearms in some public places like government buildings and public parks.
“Constitution? What Constitution,” they say.
4. Repeal Pennsylvania’s Stand-Your-Ground Law
Senator Steven Santarsiero has been one of the aggressive and vicious opponents of gun rights in Harrisburg for years now. Santarsiero wants to repeal our Stand-Your-Ground law so that lawful citizens are required to retreat from an attacker before defending yourself. It’s debauched, and it would be a huge victory to every rapist, murder and violent killer in the Commonwealth.
And maybe that’s what he is truly representing, because his district is one of the most crime-infested areas of the Commonwealth!
3. ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Legislation
Senator Santarsiero wants people like you and me disarmed for a reason, and that reason can be found in the answer we asked in question #4.
Why do they want to ban the AR15 and every other semi-automatic firearm in America?
It is simple: Communists like Santarsiero cannot disarm and subjugate America without first confiscating our AR-15s. They are America’s tool to keep tyrants at bay, and degenerates like Santarsiero HATE IT!
The Pennsylvania Firearms Association has been successful at helping stop this exact bill from passing in Congress and in previous Pennsylvania General Assemblies, but with a Democrat majority in the House, Josh Shapiro in the Governor’s mansion, and a slim, weak Republican majority in the state Senate, they just might be able to make it happen.
2. Red Flag Gun Confiscation, also known as “Extreme Risk Protection Orders” or “Firearm Restraining Orders”
There are at least three different versions of this bill in Harrisburg right now, and they all have one goal: gun-control by declaration rather than adjudication.
They want to be able to confiscate your guns without you ever being charged, tried or convicted of a crime, and with zero due process!
Sound banana republic to you?
The bill sponsors are some of the worst, most degenerate politicians in Harrisburg, like Representative Nancy Guenst, Senator Wayne Fontana, and Representative Jennifer O’Mara.
We 100% oppose this legislation at the Pennsylvania Firearms Association and we will fight like dogs to stop it.
1. Universal Gun Registration
Last but not least, Universal Gun Registration (which they label “Universal Background Checks) is the holy grail for the radical Left, because by outlawing the private sale of firearms, these corrupt tyrants will be able to track, trace and register every gun owner in Pennsylvania like they are sex offenders.
There are already at least four versions of this bill being sponsored by the likes of Senators Vincent Hughes, Steven Santarsiero, and Anthony Williams, as well as Representative Darisha Parker and Representative Perry Warren that would require every gun sale and transfer go through the PICS and NICS background check system – so that Josh Shapiro has a database of every gun and gun owner in Pennsylvania.
Hey guys. I was working on my F350 diesel earlier today. It developed a pretty severe oil leak earlier this week, and I was too busy plowing snow and salting to really look at it. Other than knowing I couldn't drive it.
Today we diagnosed it and found the problem. It will be a relatively easy fix and a moderate but not too expensive part.
Then it started snowing again this evening. Instead of me stressing to throw a stream together late tonight, I think it is better if I do one tomorrow around 9pm. Like I did last weekend, I will post it ahead of time so you all will have notice.
I do have a good topic for tomorrow that I think you will like. See you soon 👍
Video shows oil leaking from the dipstick tube entry flange on the side of the oil pan.
From PSA
.380 Streak Ammo $5.99 /20
This is an excellent deal for any .380, especially if you want the streak (tracer type) function.
Winchester M193 5.56 Ammo $69.99 /150
Anderson AR-15 Deal $379
From True Shot
5.56 Ammo Deal - Free Shipping & Free Ammo Can $339 /750 Free Shipping + Get a free ammo can
Free shipping on all orders with A-Zone Rewards $99 /year. I have bought memberships the past 3 years and have saved about $1563 in shipping.
Ammunition Depot BF Sale
Save 8% sitewide w/ code BLACKFRIDAY
You can use code 2AEDU5 to save 5% which will continue to work after the BF deal is over.
Using the BF code saves you $. Using the above link or 2AEDU5 helps the channel earn a little bit. Codes exclude gift cards
Optics Planet BF Sale 14% Off + 2% Bonus Bucks
Save 14% off nearly everything + get 2% bonus bucks (future ...
Blackout Coffee to save sitewide use 20% off coupon code: 2AEDU (1 time use)
I brought my Micro dagger down to Columbia, SC and shot it at the PSA range. I was really glad to have 6 of these awesome 15 round magazines.
15rd mag (Also works with Glock 43x & 48 $24.99 this is the upgraded slick finish version
Micro Dagger frames
Micro Dagger slides
Micro Dagger pistols
I was at the AAC ammo factory yesterday watching them make 7.62x39 steel cased ammo.
You can get some here for a great price. $8.99 /20 Black tip hollow point x39 $10.99 /20
All AAC ammo
Using these links for any purchase at PSA or Blackout Coffee helps the channel = more content & perks. Thank you!
2A Link Club - My way of giving back. If you use one of my links for a purchase, fill out and submit this form for a chance to get perks...
DRZ 9mm $269 / 1000 - A-Zone Rewards members save an additional $10 with coupon code. DRZ10 Which brings it down to $13 per box with free shipping for members.
I have some of this ammo and it has been good for me. Typical Turkish 9mm.
ZSR 9mm $15.49 /50 or $290 /1000
SAR USA 9mm NATO 124gr $15.95 /50 0r $289 /1000
Turan 9mm $13.89 /50 or $277 /1000
Free shipping with A-Zone Rewards - Use code 2aedu20 to save $20 off a 1 year membership. I bought a membership, and have already received about $632 worth of shipping & other perks! for $79 (And I'm 9 months into my yearly membership)
From PSA: PMC Bronze 115gr HP $21.99 /50
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Using these links for any purchase from these sites helps the channel = more content. Thank you! For example if you click on my PSA link for the ARV and you buy one, I get a credit. Or if you click on the ARV link don't buy one, but buy something else at PSA without closing that window (browsing session), I still get credit for that item(s) Same applies to any of my links for each site.
Some of the guns in this podcast:
PSA ARV 9mm:
Cz Scorpion Evo 3 S1 9mm at PSA:
Pro2A Tactical .45 ACP Ar-15:
The Valiant Side charging version:
Save 15% or get a free shotgun with any Patriot or Valiant purchase
WASR M 9mm AK at PSA:
PAK-9 9mm AK at Grabagun:
Hi-Point 995 Carbines at PSA:
Swampfox Kingslayer at Brownells:
We discuss the idea of self defense vs engaging a rampage shooter. Also mindset, training and different tools.
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Optics Planet: Use Code: 2aedu5 to save 5%
Global Ordnance: Mantis:
Gun Mag Warehouse:
Powertac Flashlights: Use code 2aedu15 to save15%
Pro2A Tactical:
Right To Bear Insurance: Use code 2aedu to save 10%
**JM4 Tactical ... $49.99
Excellent deal!
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2A Link Club - My way of giving back. If you use one of my links for a purchase, fill out and submit this form for a chance to get perks $9.49
This features a new case.
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